
Luckily, Joschi has brought these two beautiful roses on the day of our shooting. Of course we've used it appropriately. Julia touched my face very tenderly and created this feminine make-up. It is one of those, which you can also use in your everyday life and look georgeous. And the dress I've taken with me to this photo-shooting seemed to be perfect suitable for this "character". 
So, every of us was a part of this look, which was one of the eight others we've created this day.
The previous works you can see here, here and here.

By the way, there is a St.Valentine's Day tomorrow! Аnd I thought this looks fits to all these flowers/hearts/flirtation/love - things as well. Hope you'll celebrate it appropriately with the best half by your side. 

Love and be loved!

Photographer: Jo Krausz
MuA: Julia Schwärzel 

Like a star

I liked the ideas of the photographer from the beginning and from the beginning I knew it have to be fun working with these guys!  And you know what? I was right!
Great amount of great ideas in his head. And to have such a professional make-up artist as Julia by our side was really a necessary element. 
So, here we are. It will make me absolutely happy if you'll like it exactly as I do. Because sometimes the cool things are so simple, we just don't notice it around us.

Have a nice week everyone and notice all the beautiful things which are next to you, the world is amazing!

Photographer: Jo Krausz
MuA: Julia Schwärzel

Music cave

So here we are! Happy to present you this music video clip where I've acted as a model, playing two different characters… Okay, I won't tell you everything. Just take a look by yourself. The song is currently #12 in the DAC (German Alternative Charts).  
I hope you'll like it!

Equatronic - The cave.

Making of pictures here.